Fertility Assessment
The use of 3D ultrasound for fertility assessment
Ultrasound scans of the uterus are essential in fertility planning and in assessing infertility. The Ultrasound Care team of obstetricians and sonographers are highly experienced in assessing fertility through 3D ultrasound which is why your doctor has referred you to us.
How are fertility scans performed?
To ensure we get the most accurate information, the Ultrasound Care team perform most fertility scans vaginally. Although some women experience a little discomfort, the scan should not be painful.

What is learned from a fertility scan?
The fertility assessment scan will provide your doctor information on the uterus, lining of the uterus, shape of the cavity and ovaries. Not all women are born the same, and ultrasound can help define if the uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries are present, fully formed and in the correct area.
When assessing the uterus, the Ultrasound Care team obtains information about different shapes, problems with the muscle of the uterus, and problems with the lining which may affect your chances of conceiving and miscarriage.
A 3D ultrasound of the uterus also helps identify some uterine anomalies which are not visible using the usual 2D scan.
We will also examine the number of follicles (known as a follicle count) as this is important in assessing the ovarian reserve. The position and shape of the ovaries are also assessed.

What other procedures might be required for a fertility assessment?
Your Ultrasound Care team can also assess whether your Fallopian tubes are open or blocked by performing a HyCoSy. This procedure can be carried out on the same day that you attend for your ultrasound.
Why have I been referred for fertility assessment and how do I arrange for an appointment?
Ultrasound Care’s gynaecologists and sonographers specialise in ultrasound examination and other diagnostic services for women of all ages. The information learned from your ultrasound and other examinations provided when you come to our clinic will help your referring doctor decide what fertility treatment is best for you.
To arrange for your scan, please call the Ultrasound Care clinic that is most convenient to you in Sydney and speak to our team.