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Second Opinion

Why would I be sent for a second opinion?

The Ultrasound Care obstetricians and sonographers are recognised experts in pregnancy ultrasounds. In addition to routine scanning, our team offers second opinion or tertiary obstetric scans.

You may be referrerd to Ultrasound Care by your doctor for a second opinion scan, or wish to have a second opinion:

Second Opinion Pregnancy Scan - Ultrasound Care

What do I bring to a second opinion scan?

You will need to bring a referral and also ask your doctor to provide you with copies of your other scan. Please bring these reports with you to your ultrasound as tbey can help us by allowing us to quickly see how things may have changed.

What to Expect During a Second Opinion Pregnancy Scan - Ultrasound Care

What will happen when I come for a second opinion?

The second opinion scan may simply confirm what you were told at the previous ultrasound. This can be reassuring, confirming the results you were given, and can help you feel more certain about your baby’s health.

There is also a chance that we may find something different from the previous scan and we. may be able to provide more information.. If this happens, the Ultrasound Care doctor or sonographer will talk you through the implications on the day and provide you with advice about any further testing which may help you get more information.

We find that most pregnant mothers who come for a second opinion are highly stressed on the day. Please be assured that our doctors and sonographers will do our best to guide you through everything that is happening. You can also take comfort in the fact that all Ultrasound Care clinics use the latest machines to get the best possible image quality. All our sonographers are highly skilled in obstetric and gynaecological imaging and will talk you though the scan, including any difficulties they may be having in obtaining an image.

All Ultrasound Care’s doctors are also Specialist Obstetricians and if they find any problem, they will talk you through any implications for you and your baby. After you have attended your scan appointment, Ultrasound Care will give your referring Doctor all the information, to assist them in giving you the best possible care.

How do I arrange for a second opinion scan?

If you want a second opinion for any reason, talk to your doctor. Once you have your referral, please contact the Ultrasound Care clinic that is most convenient to you in Sydney to arrange for an appointment and advise our admin team that you are attending for a second opinion scan at the time of your call.

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